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Conservation Meeting Minutes 7/1/04
Conservation Commission
July 1, 2004

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Katherine Roth, Peter Holden, Stephen Cremer, Hank Langstroth, Stephan Glicken, and Janet Dunlap were the members present.

7:45 p.m., RDA Public Hearing filed by the Sharon DPW for the proposed replacement of water mains on Edge Hill Road, Morse Street and Tiot Street:  

Ryan Trahan, Engineer from Amory Engineers, P.C., represented the Applicant and submitted proposed plans- sheets numbered 1 through 5 dated 6/17/04 to the Commission.
Ryan to provide the Commission with revised plan dated 6/29/04 outlining the installation of a new drainage line on Morse Street.
Ryan reviewed with the Commission the scope of the proposed project:
Construction of water mains, valves, hydrants, bypass piping and pavement within the Town
rights-of-way on Morse and Tiot Streets and Edge Hill Road.
The proposed work inside the Buffer Zone involves the existing culvert crossings on Tiot and
Morse Streets and Edge Hill Road. The installation of silt fence and hay bales is proposed for
mitigation control by the wetland areas and catch basins. Geotextile fabric to be wrapped over
hay bales and to be placed under the existing catch basin grates. No new culverts are proposed for
this project.
The excavation for the proposed project to be performed within the paved surface or
shoulders of the roadway and will not alter the adjacent wetlands or affect storm
water runoff. Temporary bypass 6" plastic piping to be installed on the shoulder of
the roadway for servicing water to the residents during the construction phase of
the proposed project.
The Commission determined the following conditions:
The Applicant to incorporate proposed sheets numbered 1-5 onto one set of plans.
The revised plan to reflect the new drainage line on Morse Street.
To contact Greg before the start of work to inspect the proposed silt fence and hay
bales on the site.
Peg called for a motion to close the hearing with the conditions as discussed.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.
Peg called for a motion to issue a Negative Determination with conditions as discussed.
Katherine Roth moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:00 p.m., ANRAD Public Hearing filed by Akinyemi Arokodare, for the proposed review of the submitted wetland resource area delineation at 214-218 Mountain Street:

Paul Finocchio from P.J.F. & Associates represented the Applicant and submitted Site Plan of Land of 214 & 218 Mountain Street in Sharon, MA dated 6/10/04 The Applicant was also present before the Commission.
Paul submitted green abutter cards to the Commission and stated that there are two isolated wetlands and one BVW on the proposed site. There is no evidence of a vernal pool in the isolated wetlands of the proposed site.
Flags numbered B1-B13 delineate the isolated wetland on the southeast side of
Mountain Street,bordering the adjacent driveway at 214 Mountain Street, flags numbered 13-13B.
Flags numbered C1-C4 delineate the isolated wetland on the upland portion of the proposed site.
Flags numbered 1-29 and A1-A20 delineates a BVW located near a perennial stream on the proposed property.
The Commission determined to visit the proposed project site to attain soil information and inspect the delineated wetland flags.
Peg called for a motion to continue the hearing until July 15 at 7:45 p.m.
Stephen Cremer moved. Janet Dunlap seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

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8:15 p.m., John Rhoads to discuss Glendale Village Soil Testing with the Commission:

Abutter Mary Tobin - 120 Glendale Road, was present in the audience.
John stated that excavation for additional soil testing within the Buffer Zone in the eastern portion of the site would be necessary because they are proposing to demolish the existing house at 2 Robbs Lane in favor of a storm water management area. Soil testing performed in the perched wetland to the left of the site is proposed for establishing a good profile of the groundwater table for dispersing water into numerous areas of the property.
John discussed with the Commission the location of the modified roadway as it relates to proposed soil test holes numbered 3,4,5, located along the sloped area within the Buffer Zone of the proposed site.
Peg requested that the Applicant submit a new plan designing the proposed roadway construction outside of the 100' Buffer Zone.
The Commission agreed to allow the Applicant to dig one test pit hole located along the sloped area within the Buffer Zone of the proposed site with the condition that if there are problems or inconsistency in the soil then John is to contact Greg regarding the testing of another hole.
Abutter Mary Tobin inquired if soil logs for the proposed project are available.
John replied that the soil logs are currently not available to the public because the Town has not yet witnessed them. John to report back to the Commission.

8:35 p.m., Updates on 40B's:
King Philip's Estates - Drainage to be negotiated with the Commission. Limit of Work to be established.
Glendale Village - Preliminary subdivision plans have been submitted to the ZBA and the Massachusetts Housing Authority.
Hunter's Ridge- Two affordable housing units have been proposed and the remainder of the units is proposed for age qualified housing. The proposed project description submitted in the Notice of Intent filing is designed for the construction of a residential subdivision roadway with associated appurtenances and stormwater management system.

8:45 p.m., Update on Water Recharge Initiative:
Greg discussed with the Commission correspondence dated 6/25/04 to Leo Potter, Water Superintendent, Town of Foxboro, regarding a request to reinstall flashboards at the Gavins Pond Spillway in an effort to facilitate recharge. Greg to arrange a tour of the streams in Town with the members of the Commission.
Alice Cheyer was present in the audience and suggested to the Commission that a public meeting should be held regarding the subject of improving the water recharge in Town.

9:05 p.m., Vote to authorize Article 97 Land Swap for the Parcel S and Hauserman Land:
The Commission unanimously agreed to accept the Parcel S Land Swap as presented.

9:10 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:
Peg called for a motion to approve the June 3, 2004 Meeting Minutes as amended.  
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. 4-0-3.
Peg called for a motion to approve the June 17, 200 Meeting Minutes as amended.
Janet Dunlap moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. 5-0-2.

9:15 p.m. Signatures:
The Commission signed bills. Negative Determination for the Sharon DPW, replacement of water mains
and appurtenant work on Edge Hill Road, Morse Street and Tiot Street. Deed for Parcel S land swap.

9:35 p.m., Adjournment:
Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephen Cremer moved. Janet Dunlap seconded. Voted. Unanimous.